Consultancy reports
”New infrastructure”. Emerging trends in Chinese foreign direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean (with M.Myers and Y.Wang). 2024. InterAmerican Dialogue.
Digitales, verdes y aliados. Impacto económico, social y medioambiental de la iniciativa Global Gateway y la Alianza Digital UE-América Latina y el Caribe (with A.L.Aguilar, M. Balmaseda and V.Muñoz). 2023. Telefónica y la Fundación Carolina.
Global Gateway en América Latina y el Caribe: caminos innovadores de inversión, cooperación y alianza digital con Europa (with G.Beliz and V.Muñoz). 2023. CAF, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina. English and Portuguese versions available.
Infrastructure, hardware and IoT: key opportunities in industry 4.0 (with V.Muñoz). 2022. Santander X and ESADE. Spanish version here.
Latin American telecommunications at the crossroads of passive infrastructure sharing (with F. Callorda, R.Katz and R.Valencia). 2022. Telecom Advisory Services. Spanish and Portuguese versions.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
"Leveraging Fintech mobile money to expand banks’ financial services in developing countries" (with E.Aracil and J.Jung), 2024. Finance Research Letters.
“Is your Netflix a substitute for your Telefunken? Evidence on the dynamics of traditional pay TV and OTT in Latin America” (with J.Jung). 2023. Telecommunications Policy, 47(1). Working Paper version here.
“Rules, institutions, or both? Estimating the drivers of telecommunication investment in Latin America¨ (with J.Jung), 2022. Journal of Cyber Policy, 7(1), pp.5-23.
“Fiscal policy and the cycle in Latin America: the role of financial conditions and fiscal rules” (with E. Alberola, I. Kataryniuk, and R. Orozco). 2018. Ensayos sobre Política Económica, 36(85), pp.101-116. Bank for International Settlements Working Paper 543. 2016.
“Doctoring the ball: The political economy of tax incentives for investment in the Dominican Republic”. (with C. Daude and H. Gutierrez). 2017. Journal of Economic Studies, 44(1), pp.1-23.OECD Development Centre working paper version. 2014.
"Pensions, informality, and the emerging middle class". 2015. IZA World of Labor, pp. 1-10. Institute for the Study of Labor.
“Better pensions, better jobs: status and alternatives toward universal pension coverage in Latin America and the Caribbean” (with M. Bosch and C. Pages). 2015. Journal of Finance Economics and Pensions, pp.1-23.
“Public investment and fiscal sustainability in Latin America: Incompatible goals?” (with L. Carranza and C. Daude). 2014. Journal of Economic Studies, 41(1), pp.29-50. OECD Development Centre working paper version. 2011.
“What drives tax morale around the world?” (with C. Daude and H. Gutiérrez). 2013. Hacienda Pública Española / Revista de Economía Pública, 207 (4/2013), pp.11-26. OECD Development Centre working paper version. 2012.
“Who bears the social security taxes? A meta-analysis approach” (with J.M. González-Páramo). 2013. SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 4(3), pp.247-271.
“Fiscal policy in Latin America. Countercyclical and sustainable?”, (with C. Daude and A. Neut). 2011. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 5, 2011-14. OECD Development Centre working paper version. 2011.
“Moving from pay as you go to privately managed individual pension accounts: What have we learned after 25 years of the Chilean reform?” (with J. Vial), Pensions: An International Journal, 14(1), pp. 14-27. 2009.
“Quién soporta las cotizaciones sociales empresariales y la fiscalidad laboral? Una panorámica de la literatura empírica”, Hacienda Pública Española / Revista de Economía Pública, 188-(1/2009), pp. 125-182. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales working paper version. 2009.
“I+D como factor productivo, un análisis regional y sectorial” (with M. Balmaseda), Hacienda Pública Española / Revista de Economía Pública, 180-(1/2007), pp. 9-34. 2007.
“Las reformas necesarias en el sistema de pensiones contributivas en España” (with M. Balmaseda and D. Taguas). 2006. Moneda y Crédito, 222, pp. 313-340. MPRA working paper version. BBVA Research working paper version. 2005.
Working Papers
“Banking on mobiles to accelerate the uptake of financial services. Evidence from emerging economies worldwide” (with E. Aracil and J. Jung). 2023.
"On the middle 70%. The impact of fiscal policy on the emerging middle class using Commitment to Equity" (with J.R. Perea, N. Lustig and C. Daude), Commitment to Equity Working Paper Series 72, Tulane University, Department of Economics. 2017.
“No sympathy for the devil! Policy priorities to overcome the middle-income trap in Latin America” (with S. Nieto, J.R. Perea and J. Perez), Working Paper 340. OECD Development Centre. 2017.
“Mind the skills gap! Regional and industry patterns in emerging economies” (with J.R. Perea). Working Paper 329. OECD Development Centre. 2016.
"Savings under formal and informal conditions” (with M. Bosch, X. Pena and D. Tuesta), 2015. Working Papers 1519, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department. In Spanish.
“The economy of the possible. Pensions and informality in Latin America” (with R. da Costa, J. de Laiglesia and E. Martínez), Working Paper 295. OECD Development Centre, 2011. OECD Development Centre Policy Insight. 2011.
“Taxation and more representation? On fiscal policy, social mobility and democracy in Latin America” (with C. Daude), Working Paper 294. OECD Development Centre. 2010.
“La incidencia de las cotizaciones sociales en España”, Working Paper 0702. International Economics Institute, University of Valencia. 2007.
“Las cotizaciones sociales en España, 1990-1996 : el sistema institucional y su impacto distributivo desagregado”. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Documento de Trabajo 99-14. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 1999.
“El impacto distributivo de las cotizaciones sociales. Una aproximación con datos agregados para España, 1990-1995”. Documento 1/99. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. 1999.
Other publications
Books and reports
Regional coordination for strengthening pandemic preparedness, vaccine access, and effective implementation of vaccine deployment plans (coord by A.Gaviria and G.Ramos). 2021. The Lancet COVID-19 Commission Regional Task Force for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Ideas para una reforma de pensiones (with L. Carranza and D. Tuesta). 2017. Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Lima.
OECD Multidimensional Economic Surveys: Argentina (with J. Arnold, P. Cerutti, A.Gonzalez and S.Nieto). 2017. OECD, Paris.
Chinese FDI in Latin America: New Trends with Global Implications (with R. Avendano and S. Miner). 2017. Atlantic Council, Washington DC.
Taxing wages in Latin America and the Caribbean, Special feature: A view on taxes, social protection and informality (with V. Alaimo, J.C.Benitez, M.Bosch, M.Netley, M.Pecho and R. Orozco). 2016. OECD, Paris.
Pensions at a glance in Latin American and the Caribbean (with A. D’Addio, M. Queisser, C. Mejia, R. Palacios, A.Reilly, C. Romero and E. Whitehouse). 2014. OECD, Paris. Video (Available in Portuguese and Spanish).
Better pensions, better jobs. Towards universal coverage in Latin America and the Caribbean (with M. Bosch and C. Pages). 2013. InterAmerican Development Bank, Washington DC. (Available in Portuguese and Spanish).
La incidencia económica de las cotizaciones sociales y el mercado de trabajo. Estudios de la Fundación. Serie Tesis. Madrid, Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros. 2007.
A 25 años de la reforma del sistema previsional chileno. Evaluación y propuestas de ajuste (with M. Favre, A. Muñoz and J. Vial). BBVA, Santiago de Chile. Short version. 2006.
Chapters in books
“Political attitude of the middle class. The case of fiscal policy” (with C. Daude and H. Gutierrez). 2015. In J. Dayton-Johnson (ed.), Latin America's Emerging Middle Classes. Economic Perspectives, pp.186-203. Palgrave Macmillan.
“Covering the uncovered: Labor informality, pensions and the emerging middle class in Latin America” (with C. Daude and J.R. De Laiglesia). 2015. In J. Dayton-Johnson (ed.), Latin America's Emerging Middle Classes. Economic Perspectives, pp.130-149. Palgrave Macmillan.
“Tax morale and perceptions on social mobility, fairness and meritocracy in Latin America” (with C. Daude). 2014. In A. Tavidze (ed.), Progress in Economics Research. Vol.28. Nova Publishers. OECD Development Centre working paper version.
“Matching pension schemes in Colombia, Mexico and Peru: how far could they go to expand coverage?” (with L. Carranza and D. Tuesta). 2013. In R. Holzmann, R. Hinz, N. Takayama and D. Tuesta (eds.), Matching defined contributions schemes: Role and limits to increase coverage in low and middle income countries, pp.193-213. The World Bank, Washington DC. BBVA Research Working Paper version in English and Spanish.
“Gender policy, the minimum pension age and non-contributory rights for women”. 2013. In E. Palmer, R. Holzmann and D. Robalino (eds.), Non-Financial defined contribution (NDC) systems: Progress and new frontiers in a changing pension world, pp. 140-145. The World Bank, Washington DC.
“Taxation and democracy in Latin America” (with C. Daude). In J. Dayton-Johnson and J. Santiso (eds.), Handbook of Latin American Political Economy, pp.532-556. Oxford University Press. 2012
“Pension reform and fiscal policy: some lessons from Chile”, (with A. Muñoz, D. Tuesta and J. Vial). In D. Franco (ed.), Pension reform, fiscal policy and economic performance, pp.709-734. Banca d’Italia, Rome. BBVA Research working paper in English and Spanish 2010.
“Projecting pension expenditure in Spain: on uncertainty, communication and transparency” (with R. Doménech). In Franco, D. (ed.), Fiscal Sustainability: Analytical Developments and Emerging Policy Issues, pp.707-728. Banca d’Italia, Rome. International Economics Institute, University of Valencia working paper version. 2009.
“Sector Público de mercado” (with M. Balmaseda). Libro Marrón, pp.19-36. Círculo de Empresarios, Madrid. 2007.
“Inversiones españolas en América Latina, ¿encuentros en la tercera fase?” (with M. Balmaseda). In Claves de la Economía Mundial 06, 328-334. Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior, Madrid, 2006.
“Mejor regulación, ni más ni menos” (with M. Balmaseda), Libro Marrón, pp.15-38. Círculo de Empresarios, Madrid. 2006.
“The New Economy in Spain: situation and prospects” (with M. Balmaseda, C. Hernansanz and M. Sebastián). In P.J.J. Welfens and D.B. Audretsch (eds), The New Economy and economic growth in Europe and the US, 53-86. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2002.
“Reforma tributaria y política fiscal” (with J.M. González-Páramo). In J.L. García Delgado (dir.), España, economía: ante el siglo XXI, pp.579-612. Espasa Calpe. Madrid. 1999.
Chapters in OECD publications
Latin American Economic Outlook 2018. Rethinking institutions for development.
"Rethinking institutions for development. Towards a new state-citizens-market nexus” (with. J.C.Benitez, A. Caicedo, R.Orozco and J. Vazquez), Latin American Economic Outlook 2018, pp.21-41. ECLAC, CAF, UE and OECD Development Centre. 2018.
"Macroeconomic prospects for Latin America and the Caribbean” (with. A. Arreaza and R. Orozco), Latin American Economic Outlook 2018, pp.89-138. ECLAC, CAF, UE and OECD Development Centre. 2018.
"Institutions to embrace a future of better jobs and greater well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean” (with. J.C.Benitez, A. Caicedo, R.Orozco and J. Vazquez), Latin American Economic Outlook 2018, pp.189-225. ECLAC, CAF, UE and OECD Development Centre. 2018.
Latin American Economic Outlook 2017. Youth, skills and entrepreneurship.
"Improving youth inclusion through better skills and entrepreneurship opportunities", Latin American Economic Outlook 2017, pp.19-40. ECLAC, CAF and OECD Development Centre. 2016.
“Macroeconomic prospects for Latin America” (with A. Arreaza and D. Titelman). Latin American Economic Outlook 2017, pp.41-86. ECLAC, CAF and OECD Development Centre. 2016.
“The future of work, cities and policies” (with. J.C.Benitez, R. Avendano, R.Orozco and J. Vazquez). Latin American Economic Outlook 2017, pp.237-256-184. ECLAC, CAF and OECD Development Centre. 2015.
Latin American Economic Outlook 2016. Towards a new partnership with China
“Towards a partnership for development between Latin America and China”. Latin American Economic Outlook 2016, pp.19-33. ECLAC, CAF and OECD Development Centre. 2015.
“Macroeconomic prospects for Latin America” (with A. Arreaza and D. Titelman). Latin American Economic Outlook 2016, pp.35-64. ECLAC, CAF and OECD Development Centre. 2015.
“Future trends and scenarios for a Latin America-China partnership” (with. R. Avendano, S. Nieto-Parra and J. Vazquez). Latin American Economic Outlook 2016, pp.133-184. ECLAC, CAF and OECD Development Centre. 2015.
Latin American Economic Outlook 2015. Education, skills and innovation for development
“Education, skills and innovation for a more dynamic, inclusive Latin America”. Latin American Economic Outlook 2015, pp.17-28. ECLAC, CAF and OECD Development Centre. 2014.
“Latin American macroeconomic outlook” (with A. Arreaza and J.P. Jimenez). Latin American Economic Outlook 2015, pp.29-60. ECLAC, CAF and OECD Development Centre. 2014.
“Skills in Latin America and the Caribbean amid shifting wealth” (with J.R. Perea and J. Vazquez). Latin American Economic Outlook 2015, pp.17-28. ECLAC, CAF and OECD Development Centre. 2014.
Latin American Economic Outlook 2012: Transforming the State for development
“Fiscal policy reform in Latin America” (with J.P. Jimenez and R. Martner). Latin American Economic Outlook 2012, pp.67-84. ECLAC and OECD Development Centre. 2011.
Latin American Economic Outlook 2011: How Middle-Class is Latin America?
“Social protection and labour informality in the middle sectors” (with R. da Costa, J. de Laiglesia and E. Martínez). Latin American Economic Outlook 2011, pp.83-118. OECD Development Centre. 2010.
“The middle sectors, fiscal policy and the social contract” (with B. Castelletti, C. Daude and H. Gutiérrez). Latin American Economic Outlook 2011, pp.147-174. OECD Development Centre. 2010.
Latin American Economic Outlook 2010: Migration and Remittances in Latin America
“Migration, labour markets and social protection” (with J. Dayton-Johnson). Latin American Economic Outlook 2010, pp.117-145. OECD Development Centre. 2009.
Invited Articles
“Una digitalización ética para América Latina” (with G. Ramos), Política Exterior, July/August 2022, 208.
“Emprender para crecer más y mejor” (with A.L.Primi), Revista Pensamiento Iberoamericano, 3ª época, vol.2, pp.104-119.
"China y América Latina: hacia una nueva asociación" (with Rolando Avendano and Jose Ramon Perea), Política Exterior September/October 2016, 173, pp.108-117
“Educación e innovación para el desarrollo” (with J. Vazquez), Politica Exterior, September/October 2015, pp.100-114.
“Infrastructure patterns in emerging markets: An empirical analysis with a focus on Latin America” (with M. Balmaseda, C. Daude and L. Taft). 2010. Global Economic and Construction Outlook, June, pp. 25-31, CEMEX Economic Analysis.
”La atención a la dependencia en España: perspectivas y efectos económicos”. Economistas, 116, pp.185-192. 2008.
”Las pensiones públicas en España: cinco principios básicos para el debate” (with D. Taguas). Economistas, 111, pp.182-189. 2007.
“La amplicación europea al Este: mucho más que economía” (with D. Taguas), Boletín de Estudios Económicos, 181(LIX), pp.19-43. BBVA Research working paper version. 2004.
“Inmigración y economía: un enfoque global” (with M. Sebastián), Economía Exterior, 28 (Spring), pp.27-34. 2004.
“Difusión tecnológica y productividad en Europa” (with M. Balmaseda). 2004. Ekonomiaz, N.56, pp.154-177.
“Las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en España” (with C. Hernansanz and M. Sebastián). Información Comercial Española, 793, pp.25-38. 2001.
“Imposición y precios de consumo” (with J.F. Izquierdo y D. Taguas). Papeles de Economía Española, 87, pp.199-220. 2001. BBVA Research working paper version. 2001.